ریشهی مدیریت پروژه به روشها و فرآیندهایی برمیگردد که حدود صد سال پیش در کسبوکار توسعه پیدا کردند. با این حال، در سالهای اخیر، مدیریت پروژه رشد چشمگیری داشته و به عنوان یک عملیات مجزا و جدی در تجارت ظهور کرده است و در صحنهی تجارت جهانی، یعنی جایی که شرکتها دائما به دنبال رسیدن به مزیت رقابتی هستند، به یک عامل کلیدی تبدیل شده است. در مقاله زیر با مفهوم مدیریت پروژه بیشتر آشنا خواهید شد.
مدیران پروژه برخلاف مدیران تجاریِ شرکت، خود را فقط محدود به نظارت بر یک جنبه از عملیات نمیکنند، همچنین برای رسیدگی و مقابله با مسائل مدیریتی محدودیت زمانی هم ندارند. در عوض، مدیران پروژه وظیفهی پیچیدهای برعهده دارند: آنها باید تمامی جنبههای پروژه را بررسی کرده و از اجرای درست و به موقع آنها، در محدودهی بودجهای که برایشان تعیین شده، اطمینان حاصل کنند.
برای موفقیت در این کار، مدیران پروژه باید مهارتهای خاصی کسب کنند و مجوزهایی بگیرند که صلاحیتشان را در انجام این شغلِ سخت تأیید کنند. آنها همچنین باید ذهنی تحلیلگر داشته باشند و بتوانند به خوبی با دیگران ارتباط برقرار کنند.
برای افرادی که از پس سختیها و پیچیدگیهای این کار به خوبی بربیایند، مدیریت پروژه میتواند شغل لذتبخشی باشد.
فرآیند مدیریت پروژه
دکتر ساینا
مدیر پروژه بر فرآیند پروژه از ابتدا تا انتها نظارت دارد
به بیان ساده، مدیر پروژه فردی است که پروژه را بررسی میکند تا از انجام درست آن در محدودهی زمانی و مالیِ موجود اطمینان حاصل کند. البته، کاملا مشخص است که در سازمانهای بزرگ، این کارِ سادهای نیست و نیازمند مشارکت افراد زیادی است.
یکی از اولین وظایف مدیر پروژه این است که هدف پروژه را تعیین کند، به بیان دیگر، با جزئیات شرح دهد که پروژه قرار است به چه چیزی دست پیدا کند. در مرحلهی بعد، مدیر پروژه باید یک برنامهی زمانی آماده کرده، وظایف هر کدام از اعضای گروه را مشخص و برای هر وظیفهی خاص، فرجهی زمانی تعیین کند.
مدیر پروژه در کنار برنامهی زمانی، باید بودجه را هم تعیین کند. بودجه باید به گونهای مشخص شود که بدون اسراف و ولخرجی، بتواند هزینههای غیرقابل پیشبینی را نیز پوشش دهد. بعد از اینکه پروژه آغاز شد، مدیر پروژه باید مطمئن شود که همهی اعضای گروه، منابعی که برای رسیدن به اهدافشان مورد نیاز است، در اختیار دارند.
معمولا مدیر پروژه با استفاده از روش مسیر بحرانی (CPM)، برنامهریزی خود را انجام میدهد. روش مسیر بحرانی، فرمولی است که فعالیتهای مختلف پروژه را به ترتیب و به مؤثرترین شکل ممکن، زمانبندی میکند.
بعد از اینکه برنامهی زمانی مشخص شد، مدیر پروژه باید مدیران مافوق را در جریان پیشرفت پروژه قرار دهد، انتظاراتی که از اعضای تیم میرود را به آنها گوشزد کند و با توجه به بودجه بهترین منابعِ ممکن را در اختیار آنها قرار دهد. راهنمای پیکرهی دانش مدیریت پروژه (به انگلیسی PMBOK Guide)، پنچ گروه از فرآیند مدیریت پروژه را مشخص میکند که تحت عنوان رویکرد سنتی به مدیریت پروژه نیز شناخته میشوند. مدیر پروژه باید به دقت به این فرآیندها توجه کند و اعضای تیم هم باید آنها را به خوبی به اجرا درآورند.
پنج گروه فرآیند مدیریت پروژه به شرح زیر هستند:
نظارت و کنترل
راهنمای پیکرهی دانش مدیریت پروژه (PMBOK Guide)، این گروهها را به عنوان یک سری اقدامات و فعالیتهایی معرفی میکند که با هم رابطهی متقابل دارند و برای رسیدن به نتیجه، هدف یا خدماتِ از پیش تعیین شده به اجرا درمیآیند.
پیشگامان مدیریت پروژه
مدیریت پروژه در نیمهی دوم قرن بیستم، و به کمک استراتژیهایی تکامل پیدا کرد که این استراتژیها توسط پرسنل نظامی در جنگ جهانی دوم برای نظارت و بررسیِ پروژههای بزرگ و پیچیدهای استفاده میشد که شامل هزاران نفر و تجهیزات نظامیِ وسیعی میشدند.
ریشههای مدیریت پروژه را میتوانیم در پروژههای بزرگ دولتی که در اواخر قرن نوزدهم اجرا میشدند، خصوصا پروژههای مربوط به ساخت خطوط راهآهن بین قارهای، نیز ببینیم. پروژهی خط آهن در سال ۱۸۶۰ آغاز شد، هزاران نفر در آن مشغول به کار بودند و چندین تُن مواد اولیهی خام که از مکانهای مختلف آورده میشدند نیز در آن بهکار گرفته میشد.
در اوایل قرن بیستم میلادی، فردریک تیلور (Frederick Taylor) با معرفی مفهوم مدیریتِ هر مرحله از کار روزانه برای کارگران، تجارت صنعتی را متحول کرد. تیلور به جای اینکه از کارگران بخواهد بیشتر تلاش کنند یا ساعات کاریشان را افزایش دهند، استراتژیهایی برای انجام هوشمندانهترِ کارها پایهگذاری کرد و در نتیجه بازدهی را بالا برد.
هنری گانت (Henry Gantt)، که یکی از دستیاران تیلور بود و در کشتیسازی مهارت داشت، در طول جنگ جهانی اول، ایدهی استفاده از نمودارهای مختلف برای انجام بعضی از وظایف را توسعه داد.
فعالیتهای گانت باعث شدند که مدیریت پروژه به عنوان رشتهای مجزا در محیط کاری و همچنین در مطالعات روانشناسی صنعتی و مدیریت منابع انسانی و بازاریابی شناخته شود. در زمان جنگ جهانی دوم، مدیران صنعتی و نظامی شروع به استفاده از فرآیندهای مدیریتی و استراتژيک دقیقتری کردند تا بتوانند بیشترین بهره را از نیروی کار بگیرند. این استراتژیها شامل نمودارهای شبکهای و روش مسیر بحرانی بودند.
خیلی زود این فعالیتها در صنایع مختلف رواج پیدا کردند. با اینکه جزئیات آنها در دورههای زمانی و صنایع مختلف متفاوت بودند، اما فلسفهی اصلی تغییری نکرده بود: برای رسیدن به موفقیت، تمامی پرسنل و سیستمهای مختلفی که در تجارت وجود دارند، باید در هماهنگی با هم کار کنند تا بتوان به موفقیت دست پیدا کرد و پروژه را به نتیجه رساند.
رسم انواع مختلف نمودارها به مدیریت پروژه کمک میکند
مدارک و گواهینامهها در مدیریت پروژه
مدیران پروژه بسته به زمینهی فعالیتشان میتوانند مدرکی در موضوعاتی مثل مهندسی (برای نظارت و بررسیِ پروژههای ساختمانی) یا علوم کامپیوتر (برای کار در بخش آی.تی) بگیرند. مدرک MBA هم برای مدیران پروژه در رشتههای مختلف مفید است.
در خودِ رشتهی مدیریت پروژه، گواهینامههای خاصی وجود دارد که داشتن آنها ضروری است. یکی از مهمترین آنها، گواهینامهی «متخصص مدیریت پروژه» (PMP) است که از طرف مؤسسهی مدیریت پروژه (PMI) به متقاضیان داده میشود.
داشتن گواهینامهی PMP شرط لازم خیلی از شرکتها برای استخدام مدیر پروژه است. مدیران پروژه همچنین میتوانند مدرک «دستیار تاییدشدهی مدیریت پروژه» (CAPM) را نیز بگیرند که به عنوان سنگ زیربنای PMP شناخته میشود.
مشاغل مناسبِ مدیران پروژه
معمولا مدیران پروژه میتوانند مشاغل مختلفی را بر عهده بگیرند که از میان آنها به چند مورد اشاره میکنیم:
هماهنگکنندهی پروژه: کارمندانی که در این پُست مشغول به کار میشوند، معمولا به کارهای اداریِ مرتبط با پروژههای بزرگ رسیدگی میکنند، جلسات را هماهنگ و اطلاعات را به افراد مربوطه منتقل میکنند.
مسئول زمانبندی پروژه: این فرد سیستم نرمافزاریای که برای پروژههای بزرگ مورد نیاز است را کنترل میکند و به هنگام لزوم آن را بهروز رسانی میکند و مثلا، تغییرات برنامهها و فرجههای زمانی را وارد سیستم میکند. این بیشتر یک وظیفهی فنی است تا مدیریتی.
دستیار مدیر پروژه: از این فرد انتظار میرود که در مواقع لزوم به مدیر پروژه کمک کند. معمولا قسمتهای مختلفی از پروژه به این افراد داده میشود که زیر نظر مدیر پروژه آنها را بررسی میکنند.
مدیر پروژه: وظیفهی او بررسی و نظارت بر پروژه از آغاز تا زمان تکمیل است.
مدیر پروژهی ارشد: این فرد بر چند پروژه به صورت همزمان نظارت دارد، پروژههای مختلف را با هم هماهنگ میکند، در مورد اولویتها تصمیمگیری و بودجهی کلی و منابع مورد نیاز تمامی پروژهها را مدیریت میکند.
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CRONIN, CUNNINGHAM, SCHMIEDBAUER, SMITH, SOULEK Logan County: Guthrie Every day Chief, Wednesday, May 7, 1975 Funeral mass for John Matthew Scmiedbauer(sic), 75, Mulhall space farmer, is deliberate for 10 a.m.
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Other novels that depict Sith characters are Darth Maul: Saboteur and Cloak of Deception by James Luceno.
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I implore you to always read the experience of these newsletter writers closely as you will see that hardly any of them have any experience trading capital, let alone a consistent profitable track record.
Managers use models such as the CAPM or the APT to estimate a discount rate appropriate for a particular project, and use the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) to reflect the financing mix selected.
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Furthermore, Venezuela’s financial and political instability and the current deterioration in oil supplies have led to the rise in oil value.
While there have been some heavy hitters on the planet of picture-sharing websites, it’s not arduous to grasp why Instagram ran away with the crown: It began getting massive proper on the time that the usual for phone cameras began to equal or outpace the quality of regular digital cameras.
The act was subsequently amended to also require the taxation of state currencies, but not of national bank notes.
Now when our group approaches a binary options broker, we let them know how many potential traders we could bring to the table.
And you may do this a couple of the way.
That’s largely because you are working below a reputed agency that gives supply teacher agency companies; and extra money means more duty.
One instance is that it is known for its large export of natural gasoline, which is always in demand.
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Any given digital machine (say, a numeric lock) has a certain multitool “hardness” (generally, however not often, infinite – normally used to manage the participant’s progress into game-critical sections) – anyplace from 10 to 100.
Generally, the higher the power of the state that undergoes nuclear fission, the more doubtless a symmetric fission is, therefore as the neutron energy increases and/or the power of the fissile atom will increase, the valley between the two peaks turns into more shallow; as an example, the curve of yield against mass for Pu-239 has a extra shallow valley than that noticed for U-235, when the neutrons are thermal neutrons.
You’re required by the state to pay unemployment insurance coverage tax when you’ve got a number of workers for at the very least 20 weeks in the course of the calendar 12 months, or in case you paid a minimum of $1500 in wages in the course of the calendar year.
Bimson, M. (1978) “Coloured glass and millefiori within the Sutton Hoo Ship Burial”.
Circles allow you to share data with specific groups of individuals whereas excluding everyone else.
A human Dark Lord of the Sith who educated underneath Vindican, Malgus served the Sith Empire throughout the good Galactic Warfare against the Republic.
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SEBI conducted an examination to determine whether Sahara Mutual Fund, its Asset Management Company, and its trustees were 鈥榝it and proper鈥?as per regulatory standards.
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Local One Stop Career Centers administer the grants.
I could not refrain from commenting. Very well written.
Greetings! Very useful advice in this particular post! It is the little changes that make the biggest changes. Thanks for sharing!
How close we did get is one thing all of you possibly can resolve for yourselves.
For companies to civil engineering.
SEBI has provided partial permission in relation to buying and selling obtainable simply in Kind gadgets.
If more than 1,000 girls go through rush, realistically a lot of the sorority members won’t meet every girl.
At the identical time, the Erie was prepared to fulfill with the committee and their engineers had begun to begin testing rock strata at a majority of the 13 crossings in Passaic.
The focus of TMAO increases with the depth at which the animal lives; TMAO is found in high concentrations within the deepest-dwelling described fish species, Pseudoliparis swirei, which was found within the Mariana Trench, at a recorded depth of 8,076 m (26,496 ft).
The African subsidiary of the firm also pleaded guilty to at least one depend of conspiracy.
Very good article! We will be linking to this particularly great article on our site. Keep up the great writing.
Our greatest complaint is that it doesn’t come with a pole, but it surely does characteristic universal threads for broomsticks and poles from other instrument handles.
Employees (April 27, 2020).
Business owners will not have to worry about an electrical hazard turning into an emergency, or about their employees getting injured.
This alone does not account for Swaziland’s low common life expectancy (38 years for men and 37 years for women), however it has a tremendous impression.
Whether you’re an investor, a shopper, or just curious about the interior workings of the monetary world, it can be useful to know who the key gamers are and the way they’re shaping the trade.
Actual trades are based on an auction market model where a potential buyer bids a specific price for a stock and a potential seller asks a specific price for the stock.
Falk, Jeff (September 17, 2020).
The shares of polycom gained 7.2 TO $19.74, as revenue topped expectations.
The very next time I read a blog, Hopefully it won’t fail me just as much as this particular one. I mean, Yes, it was my choice to read, but I truly thought you would probably have something useful to say. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something that you could possibly fix if you weren’t too busy seeking attention.
Visiting Misplaced Creek Falls is relatively simple by following a effectively-maintained dirt road and searching for a yellow gated path on the left, which signifies the trailhead and is both for ATVs and hiking.
This is the right blog for anyone who really wants to understand this topic. You understand so much its almost hard to argue with you (not that I personally will need to…HaHa). You definitely put a fresh spin on a subject which has been written about for ages. Great stuff, just wonderful.
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Stieritz, Todd (June 3, 2020).
Consider a dwelling room the place all the furnishings is pushed to at least one facet.
We counsel supplementing your French bulldog’s eating regimen with vitamin C (Ester C) for good immune system support and joint development and power.
Treasury bonds are overweight or normal market investment operations.
Usually if rise in value of investment is lower than the rise in the speed of inflation, it means your investment is dropping value.
With share, you can organize hundreds of shares of stock at a portion of the price of the stock itself.
Other options include Highrise, from the makers of Basecamp, and Batchbook.
Research the app by reliable sources, and resolve if you happen to belief the folks behind the app earlier than allowing entry to your personal data.
Look out for bicycles.
The Dodge Ram is a full-size pickup truck that was first introduced in 1981 and is currently in its fifth generation.
The surprise of the tournament was the untitled Brazilian Jaime Sunye Neto, who was among the many leaders throughout the mid-stage of the tournament earlier than three consecutive losses wrecked his possibilities of qualifying.
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Group Therapy: This therapy offers an opportunity for several folks with bipolar disorder to assemble in a group led by a psychologist.
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At TATA Mutual Fund, the staff is trained in a way which enables them to take up the most difficult of the tasks and have an optimistic approach towards achieving them.
An even bigger mistake is adding to a losing position.
Now, of course, Google’s bought Latitude, and Fb’s Places might take the Foursquare crown as the verify-in app of alternative.
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On September 29, 2015, The Chattanooga Convention and Guests Bureau announced that Ironman had chosen Chattanooga, Tennessee to host the 2017 Ironman 70.Three World Championships.
Daniels, Tom (June 4, 2021).
Number of designs : As the material used are cheap , the makers don’t shy from experimenting with its seems and new add ons.
Lindner, Melanie. “The place Credit score Still Flows.” Forbes.
Come to think of it, you may actually become profitable reviewing products that you’ve got already used.
These two baths testify to the importance of architecture as the structural framework for modern style.
It positive is good when things are that clear.
Companies typically make most of their cash by getting a fee, often a share of your month-to-month cost, from your creditors.
In order to protect your money from the possible loss due to the volatile nature of the foreign currencies and foreign currency exchange rate, there are many strategies that investors and corporates across the globe usually adopt.
Heat pumps are significantly better for temperatures above forty degrees.
She and her robotic canine K9 be part of up with the Physician, Rose, and Mickey.
Mud lake. Drake constructed the first mill.
The value of a company’s patent portfolio will be a major fraction of the general value of the company.
This familiarity is then misattributed and interpreted as proof that the event really occurred.
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For instance, NASDAQ requires each market maker to post at least one bid and one ask at some price level, so as to maintain a two-sided market for each stock represented.
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In 1989, New York real estate investor Seymour Durst spent $120,000 to erect a “National Debt Clock” on 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue to track the exact amount of money the U.S.
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Sustainability report 2009. European Commission.
Or maybe not. Religion is a broad idea, and could be seen as something much more than merely warming a pew on Sunday mornings.
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A surgeon can alter the band to make it looser or tighter, depending on the patient’s needs.
Hawking, S. W.; Hertog, Thomas (27 April 2018).
It remains to be seen if the events of The Gallifrey Chronicles can be adopted up by any future novel.
Since any amount of fabric will be sacrificed so long as checkmate can be achieved, the queen is just not above being sacrificed as a part of a combination.
One can also access the tax records of non US countries online.
On account of Maybury’s report, the board determined to make a decision to have the Harrison crossing protected.
Looking alone, he might not be as successful in finding investors.
Run the Man Down.
Each of these highly effective industries have determined that subterranean places are the perfect sites to retailer their golden geese.
There may also be variations of shading inside a selected texture household.
The parity condition suggests that real interest rates will equalize between countries and that capital mobility will result in capital flows that eliminate opportunities for arbitrage.
This improves supplies and brings down prices.
Job Safety: Whereas this is dependent upon the precise role and the company’s circumstances, there can sometimes be much less job safety in remote positions or in roles which can be more easily outsourced.
As an occasion planner, the interviewer wants to know how organized and composed you’re.
Tesla’s Wardenclyffe work was over almost before it began.
The third approach merely treats the acquisition of proprietor-occupied dwellings in the identical method as acquisitions of different durable products are handled.
Since then, day traders might have made some good amount of money if traded with the discipline.
75. A pair of ladies stand by an open window, seen of their dresses of a light brown test, and a black layered gown with a beautiful multi-colored trim.
Delhi, being a vibrant city with a rich cultural panorama, gives a multitude of wedding ceremony choices, from royal palaces to chic urban venues.
Nevertheless, the person Sith soul is chaotic: a Sith is rarely at peace, wracked by jealousy and paranoia till he or she has achieved ultimate supremacy.
Green, Jarrett (November 18, 2020).
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Conversely, an investor who needs higher anticipated returns must accept extra threat.
May 2007, within the Second Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED), Chinese Authorities promised to resume approval of latest securities corporations and declare a gradual expansion within the business scope of joint enterprise securities corporations earlier than the Third SED.
It is also a good suggestion to get solid recommendation about the legal and financial dedication involved, since both may be substantial.
As former Vice President Dan Quayle once famously said on the subject, “What a terrible thing it is to lose one’s mind.” That may not sound quite the way he meant it, but his heart was in the right place.
The silver market value is much smaller than gold, so when you wish to spend money on Silver it advisable that you do a thorough research of the availability and demand out there.
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Surviving are her husband, Archie Harris; a grandson, Tom Harris, Spokane ; a brother, George Haden, Wilbur; three sisters, Addie Stambaugh, Davenport , Mrs Martha Green and Mrs Mamie Mason, each of Spokane , numerous nieces and nephews.
A critic’s reviews should be detailed and describe the meals experience in depth, and place the subject of evaluate into a larger cultural context.
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There in the mid-1950s she became an invalid and, until her dying, lived on a disability pension.
83 of funded bitcoin tokens; one is currently on display in the museum’s money gallery.
Since a minimum of 2005, religious conservative groups and media in the United States, such because the American Family Affiliation (AFA) and Liberty Counsel, have known as for boycotts of varied distinguished secular organizations, significantly retail giants, demanding that they use the term “Christmas”, fairly than solely “vacation”, in their print, Television, on-line, and in-store marketing and advertising.
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Kirsty Younger. She opened up about her struggles as a younger mom, the social isolation suffered by some Muslim women and how her confidence grew throughout Bake-Off.
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The execution of quite a few hedge funds strategies, especially relative esteem methodologies, isn’t subject to the bearing of the security or value markets – not in any respect like routine worth or frequent property (unit trusts), which are for the most part 100 offered to market risk.
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The Erie’s estimates was that if the tracks were depressed it could cost just over $3.5 million (1924 USD).
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Nonetheless, out-of-faculty borrowers looking for a non-public mortgage to refinance existing scholar loans can typically apply on their own.
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I agree most markets, including Singapore & Malaysia stock markets to get their cue from the United State market after tonight’s much expected FOMC rate decision congregation.
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This could be a fairly low return, one you would count on from investing in mid-dated government bonds (of credit-worthy international locations) or short-dated, extremely-rated corporates.
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The official drink of the state is milk, and it is one of some dozen states that designated English because the state’s official language.
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A bypass can also allow the water circulate price to be adjusted to achieve the optimum efficiency for the heat pump.
Both are seen in engaging lengthy-layered dresses (one has grow to be discoloured over time).
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Fischer has gained a rook, two bishops, and a pawn for his sacrificed queen, leaving him ahead the equivalent, roughly, of one minor piece – an easily winning benefit in grasp play.
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Changes in inventory returns are primarily decided by external elements such because the U.S.
Challenge Financing. 3:30 p.m.m.